Friday, January 3, 2014

Quit being wishy washy!

Wouldn’t you just love to declare that you are sick and tired of being a wishy-washy, indecisive mousy little pain in the ass?

Wouldn’t you?
But it doesn’t work that way for you….does it? (<— notice I leave you opportunity) should you desire to prove me wrong and put a Witch in her place.

Now darlin’ don’t get your panties in a bunch. I’m not saying you’re incapable of kicking that crap. I know you’re a Rockstar! Lord knows I tell you that lie all the time. Seems like you really do believe it….

I’m just saying I don’t want you to get discouraged if it doesn’t work out that quickly for you. I mean nutting up and taking control of your life and all. Never been one of your strong suits has it sunshine?

And if wishy-washy is your curse, then lighting a fire under your ass and keeping the flame strong may be something of an uphill battle for a spell. For you that is.

Why bother if it’s something like work? You put so much effort into all you do anyway. (Please tell me you’re reading my snark, otherwise I’m going to have to read this aloud to you.)

As if feeling kind of blaisĂ© weren’t enough work already? I mean it has to be rough to be that non committal!
I mean, wouldn’t you rather have a delicious, funky, groove mix as the soundtrack to your life rather than the elevator Musak they play in your shrink’s office?

Yeah, I said it.

Now there’s a minute possibility you may be wondering what in the world this has to do with being a rockstar witch?


Digg on this: The rock star witch lives aligned nay, immersed in her core essence.
And just try arguing with me on this one: your core essence may be described in many ways, but wishy-washy is not one of them.

Feeling wishy-washy or indecisive is just an energetic pattern holding you in a suspended state of borderline paralysis. Break the pattern and you release yourself from suspension.

Deep down, you know what you want. Doesn’t matter if you know why—in fact you probably don’t. If people are really honest with themselves, half the time they don’t know what they truly want until it smacks em upside the head like a cold, wet trout. You my dear, haven't been smacked good and hard in a long, long time. 

Indecision means that your soul is saying one thing and your head is saying something else. When they are aligned, you’ll know it. Angels will sing, the heavens will part…no wait, that’s bullshit. You’ll just know. On some level, you will know.

On some level, you’re needing to be reminded that life is a big-fat-nutty game and it’s time to stop taking yourself so seriously. Time to get Lively. Spunky. Groovy. Whatever your dish is.

What you’re actually doing is disrupting the patterns that you fall into by default. You need to stir up that fire under your ass. And then, letting that flame shine the light on reconnecting you with your soul and everything you want out of life.

The process is simple:
Notice pattern (i.e. that you are feeling wishy-washy).
Wait! You don’t KNOW you’re being wishy washy. I’m having to tell you! Well..proceed.
Do something DIFFERENT!

Noticing the pattern gets quicker the more you do it which is great because the faster you catch yourself, the easier it is to stop. You just kinda have a problem noticing patterns don't you sunshine?

Just like quickly catching a leak in your faucet makes for much easier repair than if it’s been leaking like a fiend all night long, running all over your kitchen and ruining your tile and carpet. Same general principle, just less mess.

You might even want to acknowledge out loud to yourself: Hey! I’m feeling wishy washy. Which is about as blatant a self-observation as you can make. You’re not too good at that so let me tell you:

Doing something different can be tough because in the moment, you just ain’t feeling it. If you’re feeling wishy-washy, how can you feel anything but that?

Right there, ma’dear, is where you get to be creative. Remember, all you’re looking to do is change your energy.

Here are 4 ideas, but really, do whatever works for you. I know you’re a shy retiring violet and God FORBID you do something out of the norm.

Sing out loud—do it loud enough to make people think you should be checked in somewhere. And for goodness sake do it in public. Go on down to the Wal-Mart…..wait, that’s normal there. Go on down to Whole Foods then. Do it.

Jump around shaking every limb and body part you possibly can. Do the damn Hokey-Pokey in the parking lot at church!

Blast your favorite music and boogie down like nobody’s business. It doesn’t matter that you aren’t  feeling it, doing it will start getting you to feel it. There are perfectly logical psychological reasons for this which I’m not going to get into right here, right now.

Plaster a big ole shit eating grin on your face and hold for at least five minutes. Can you do that? Seriously? I’ve not seen you crack and hold a smile longer than a few seconds. No wonder you can’t find men to date.

You’ll notice that most (eh hem, ALL) of these involve some form of making a complete ass of yourself. 

Yah, well, what better way to shake it up than getting crazy?

Life can be too amazing and too damn short to live it being a wishy washy wimp—it just doesn’t make sense.

OK, enough of my rambling. Now bitch, get on out there and get down with your bad self. 

I'm going to go dance through my office. 

Love ya bitches! 


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